• Cabin Fever

    Four days of your overbearring mother, competitive older sister and her pompus boyfriend… Coming home for the holidays isn’t always all its cracked up to be.

  • Dasher & Vixen Sitting In A Tree

    It's the scandal of the season! It seems everyone gets a little action in this green.

  • Bring A Plus One

    Do you bring a friend or a potential beau? Decisions, decisions.

  • Hush

    Taking a moment to appreciate the silence that falls over the crowd just before you begin your performance.

  • Be Merry

    It's that picture perfect moment when you've got four generations of family under one roof. The memories being made in this moment will be cherished forever.

  • Mr. Frost, Don’t Bite!

    The weather turns and it's like a switch goes off. From now until spring you can call me Mrs. Grinch.

  • Double, Double I See Trouble

    When you're channeling your trying to be sweet and innocent, but your alter ego comes out to play.

  • Christmas At the White House

    How does one receive an invitation to the White House for Christmas dinner? Does it come in the mail or via telephone? I'd imagine it starts with “You've been cordially invited…”

  • Oh By Golly She’s So Jolly!

    Dancing around the house to christmas music as you put up all your holiday decorations. It really is the most wonderful time of the year.

  • Candy Cane Overdose

    1 Review(s)

    Laying on the floor of your best friends apartment feeling no shame about your plan to share an entire box of candy canes.

  • You Just Struck Gold

    Shopping on the impressively cluttered sales rack and still managing to find the perfect hidden gem. #Winning

  • Sun Kissed Skin

    Basking in the sun and enjoying the view as the cabana boy walks away. Cheers to that.
